Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Left, Right and In-Between

Yes, we live in a mosh pit of opinion. Not always civil, the discussion, or shall we say, the interplay of ideas, is often messy. The mosh pit becomes more messy and difficult to parse.

I have friends and family who believe I’m a liberal. But they are a bit conservative themselves, and view me from that perspective. A gulf between our opinions exists, and it enlarges. Yes, it grows in size but I wonder if that is from my leaning farther left, or their traveling much farther to the right?

You see, I consider myself a centrist. I gladly think of the ideas from both right and left, pick the ones most practical, and work at finding a way to engage those ideas in useful pursuit. What good can come from the marriage of disparate ideas?

Now that last paragraph, is an ideal example of my centrism. I’m practical. I borrow workable ideas from those around me. I work those ideas into something practical.

The only element missing from all this is ‘to what good or purpose is this work?’

Now then, we are getting somewhere! What use is anything having to do with these matters? I think it is simple: what does the commonweal need to maintain quality of life and perhaps improve upon it? That’s it. That’s what drives my thinking.

I happen to think this is the core of centrist thought. It is unsettling, perhaps, to a conservative, because their position is to retain control over all government so it does not grow larger and encroach on personal freedoms. I tend to agree with that fear, but I do not fear government, so my approach is a bit more unfettered and positive.

Liberals are all about what should the government do for its people? I’m supportive of this generous spirit, but I consider the practicality of paying for all the largesse of the perfect liberal establishment.

I am practical; not cheap or miserly, but practical. I also don’t mind taking care of people who cannot take care of themselves. That comes from deep inside of my value structure. My ethos was shaped by Christian ideals that do not easily dislodge me from this thinking.

It matters to me that some people game the system and think others ought to support them. I think that sort of thinking stunts their personal growth and capability to do for themselves. So, you see, I am not a pure liberal, nor a pure conservative. That places me square in the centrist campground!

Centrists tend to be inventors and doers. They see the practicality of ideas and pick and choose which of them are likely to work. Blending left and right ideologies is not as challenging as it may seem. The ideas are workable in the main; it is the drama and emotion of the ideologists that muck up the discussion!

I prefer to work in the middle where the workings are more visible and malleable. Leave me be awhile and I’ll come up with something. Be forewarned, however, purists will hate what I come up with. That is on them, not me.

Let’s see what we can do with the ideas so freely given by others. Perhaps there is a solution to a common problem in that mosh pit. A good challenge for a good end!

October 1, 2019

PS: Nexus tonight at Al's Pizza. 6:30 pm. Topic: Medicare for All?

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