Halloween is near. Scary times for the youngsters. Costumes, parties, trick or treat, and other festivities are planned to delight the kids. As they experience this annual warp of the social order, wide eyes tell us older folk that such plans succeeded. And so the tradition goes from year to year repeating the wonder of scary things to our young.
For the adults, Halloween offers its own treats and scary times. Costumes, parties and weird antics aplenty confirm the season every year. This, too, is a tradition lived over and over through the decades as companion duty with the kids.
This year is different for the adults, however. This year the Big Scare lives in reality as we watch our social norms twist and fall. The news is filled with accounts of dishonesty, felonies, lying and intentional misleading. And this is focused squarely on the top of our federal government.
The Halloween-worthy tales don’t stop there. Oh no, they continue on in high, middle and lower government circles, too, as misdeeds multiply. Still, this focus is on the federal side of government. Plenty of shenanigans are reported on the state side as well. This form of malpractice in government is equal opportunity in both federal and state spheres.
The motives, of course, are the obvious: greed for power and greed for wealth. In government circles, another form of greed is present, it greed for ideological pre-eminence.
No matter the motive. The practice of dishonesty and malfeasance is evil because it breaks trust with the people of the land. In America, that trust begins with the people, not its leaders. Our form of government is OF, BY and FOR the People.
In 2019 our government has failed the people. And that is a big BOO! Halloween or not.
Time for the People to take action. This is our duty. And it has nothing to do with greed.
October 29, 2019
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