Thursday, January 30, 2020


Some thoughts on current affairs:

1.      44% of employed people earn $18,000 or less

2.      One million people lose health insurance each year since Trump took office, a total of 3 million more uninsured

3.      The top 1% of wealthy persons own a staggering 70% of the nation’s wealth; or more

4.      Republicans say the exact opposite of what the facts state; up is down and in is out

5.      Global warming is real but because solutions will be costly, deniers won’t listen to the science

6.      Power and money are lovely for a while, but they do not last and are unfair to the everyone else

What’s wrong with this picture? Why are these issues perpetrated? Hasn’t education prepared the human race to handle these problems? Why is there so much disparity of opinion? Why is there so much distrust of others?

Why can’t we just get along? And get down to serious business?

January 30, 2020

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