Thursday, March 15, 2012

Gas Price Failures

How timely to talk about gas prices, the ones at the pump! Current soaring pump pain is caused by:
  • Geopolitical unrest in Iran and the Strait of Hormuz
  • Threat of open hostilities between Iran and Israel
  • Open hostilities in Syria; civil war raging
  • Libyan oil fields remain in disarray from their recent civil war
  • Egyptian civil leadership unrest roils regional oil prices
  • American political campaigns needle price stability 
Probably most people would agree with the above list. Too bad, because the real cause of high gas prices is the failure of American energy policy to address alternate energy sources over the past 40 years. This is an issue that has defied both political parties and just about every sitting president during this era. 

Congress of course has been a royal pain in the ass on this issue. They have refused stalwartly to do anything productive because:

A.  It would negatively affect their voting block;
B.  It would alter employment patterns in his/her district;
C.  Their union support would be hurt;
D.  Their  campaign contributions would be less reliable;
          E.  All of the above;
F.  Some of the above, or
G.  Hell, take your pick or combination!

Whatever the choice, it is self-serving and non-productive. Worse: it is self defeating for the nation’s good. Our good.

How short sighted is the American public going to be? Everyone seems to have an opinion. Trouble is they don’t all vote. Mainly because they are uninformed, lazy or simply don’t care. That is tragedy enough.  But the real tragedy is when our enormous open system claims to be devoted to serving the public good and fails to do so. 

I repeat: Fails To Do So! 

Do I sound angry? Frustrated? Well I am. Are you, too?  If yes, what are you going to do about it? If not, why are you not purely bedeviled by this lack of action for over two generations?

Look, energy is one of the building blocks of life. Simple direct statement. Very true. So why hasn’t definitive work been done on this building block? Why can’t we break free of the special interests and finally get something done?  It isn’t because it is complicated.  It isn’t because we don’t know what to do. It isn’t because we lack the know-how or science to address the issues. And it isn’t because we don’t have the money. 

Here are some basics:
  1. Chemical engineering discoveries can solve energy problems in these ways
    1. Hybrid fuels for higher mileage, performance
    2. Elimination of oil stock fuels; replace with new fuel stocks
    3. Greater productivity from existing oil stock
  2. Physics has the following alternatives for us to explore and utilize
    1. New forms of energy completely separate from petroleum
    2. Reduce and replace oil as a primary energy source
    3. Expand and improve alternative energies for efficiencies
  3. Biopyhsical engineering provides the following futures
    1. New fuel stocks which replace and reduce petroleum use
    2. Renewable energy sources that are cost effective and clean
    3. Replacement energy sources free up oil for gasoline production
  4. Technological breakthroughs provide these elements
    1. Nano-technology reduces energy use per appliance, end user
    2. Portability of end user products; solar charging energy cells
    3. Lower cost of hydrogen power cells; adaptability of use
  5. Geopolitical rewards are plentiful
    1. We are self sufficient in energy supplies
    2. We reduce Mideast tensions due to petroleum supplies and markets
    3. We reduce international competition for energy supplies
  6. Energy economics rewards are plentiful
    1. America has an exportable energy technology to sell globally
    2. Higher efficiencies
    3. Lower customer costs
    4. Portability of energy; avoidance of infrastructure investments
    5. Elimination of costs of waste
  7. Environmental rewards are plentiful
    1. Cleaner air
    2. Cleaner water
    3. Cleaner soil
So what’s stopping us? Politics? Power? Pettiness? (Bad 3 P’s)

If we follow our own lead we will develop profitability, portability, and performance. Three ‘P’s’ that have more lasting power than the bad three ‘P’s’.

The current White House has struggled to bring this message to the American people. But the people are not listening. And Congress likes it that way. It means more power to them. It means more politics to us. And it continues the reign of pettiness in our history.   

Had enough? Lets empower our researchers (universities and corporate labs) and elect leaders who will seek long term solutions to our national needs. Elections are coming up; primaries soon; fall elections in November. The power is with the citizenry. Will it realize this in time to do something about it? The politicians won’t. We can. Will you?

March 15, 2012

1 comment:

  1. "Mainly because they are uninformed, lazy or simply don’t care". I've begun a new organization with the following acronym, IDGAS. It is not directly associated with gasoline, even though the acronym contains the word "gas". It is my way of stating that I no longer care. Sad, isn't it?

    We're supposed to empower someone? We are the very people who consume drugs in our drinking water every day merely because the state has mandated it! If they openly put fluoride (a drug) in our water they could also be putting in other substances that make us more like sheeple than people.

    It is time to re-read "1984" and "Brave New World".
