Militias have been a part of political America for many decades. They formed among followers of extreme political views. Mostly conservative, extremist views. Texas has been a hotbed of these militias. Some were formed to protect their state’s border with Mexico. Vigilante justice was their aim. They claimed freedom to do what the National Guard or Border Patrol could not.
Arizona is another state with militias. So too, Montana,
Wyoming, and other sparsely populated areas with wide open spaces. Mountain
forest areas are another favorite hiding spot for such militias.
Ever wonder why Oregon has had marked political unrest? Just
look toward militia actions. They claim federal lands belong to them. They
argue against big government most of the time.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has studied this issue for
decades. They chart the development of domestic terrorists, gangs, and
troublemakers. Militias are a large part of their focus. Social unrest follows
political extremism of any sort. The Southern Poverty Law Center made it their
job to spot early efforts to remove civil rights from targeted classes of
citizens. Black citizens were their early focus. LGBTQ citizens became another
focus. Anarchy and domestic terrorism came into view early on. Ku Klux Klan?
Yes, they were followed. So too, the National Rifle Association. And other
groups and organizations.
Timothy McVeigh's bombing of the Federal Building in
Oklahoma City is a case study. Militias are a favorite tool of these
types. Their behaviors follow certain styles and beliefs. Does any of this
remind you of the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol Building? Seem
familiar to you? Same tactics and earlier unrest. Militarization of protest.
Military veterans among the members. Ties to police departments, too. And extreme political views and 'anger.'
With Trump followers prepared for an election loss, they
broadcast their theory of election fraud. That way no matter the election
outcome, they could claim fraud and voter manipulation. In fact these claims
caused election officials throughout the nation to hunker down and make certain
their electoral processes were free of fraud and of unquestionable accuracy.
Thus, election fraud was unproven.
Besides, if election fraud were present, how come the US
Senate came out evenly tied? How come democrats lost seats in the House?
Wouldn’t you think fraud would have produced sweeping change in favor of
Democrats? No such thing happened.
There was no election fraud. However, there are militias.
And they are not well ordered. They are unconstitutional and a clear and
present danger to the United States of America. Militias of this sort are a nod
toward vigilante mindset and anarchy. It is time a well-ordered defense against
such organizations took place to eliminate them.
It would be funny if it weren’t so serious. Right wing
extremism fuels these militias. Who would have thought? Remember the John Birch Society? It was a
threat then. The militias are a similar threat today.
January 27, 2021
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