The photo shows a man yelling at a police officer. A confrontation is happening. Their faces are seven or eight inches apart. The officer is masked during the pandemic. The protester is not masked. Spittle is shown projecting from the man’s angry face and lips as he spreads his anger and frustration to the officer.
And what else, one wonders? COVID infection? More anger? Intransigence
and further protest?
In the halls of congress elected representatives are
discussing a proposed bill and its intricacies. They come from different
perspectives and political thinking. Some are liberal, some are conservatives,
and yet many others are centrists. Odds and ends of thought patterns in between
these blocs also exist. The body of representatives reflect diversity of
thought and need.
Needs. Of constituents. Of place and context. So many odds
and ends to consider, to include in the discussion.
America is not of one mind. Nor has it ever been. Differences
exist. Diversity exists. Needs exist that are very different depending on their
In the halls of Congress anger accompanies the differences. Anger
used as tactic or strategy? Most likely, yes. There is power in disagreement. Compromise
entails give and take. Giving from one to gain take from another? That is
the process of enacting laws in our society. It is not simple. It is not a vote
yes or no. the halls of Congress is a place of maybe.
Maybe is also possibility of compromise. Moderation among points
of view. Moderation to gain consensus, enough to fuel a vote. Enough votes to
enact legislation that moves the pointer of society’s progress. Just a bit of
movement of the pointer. Just a mite of action.
The halls of Congress are not about sweeping change.
But the people are restless. They need change. They want
change. Will their representatives finally get down to accomplishing the will
of the people?
Thirty years of cat fights in the House and the Senate. Aren’t
we all fed up with this yet?
January 28, 2021
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