Monday, March 29, 2021


Far right politicos are a stunner. They supported the man who fast tracked COVID vaccine development. They wanted a cure, so they didn’t have to wear masks, or socially distance, or stop doing whatever they wanted doing at the time. Instead of boasting about the quick creation of the vaccine, they now say don’t take the vaccine. It cannot be trusted. We don’t know what is in it. Vaccines are a government conspiracy. And more.

Crazy, right? Yes, it is. But here is their twisted logic: if Biden can roll out distribution of the vaccine and administer it so public immunity is gained, then Biden looks good and Trump seems diminished. Anything but that! So be against the vaccine to show them!

Sound childish? Yes. And it is childish.

Research has shown vaccines of any type are safe and efficacious. They do what they are purported to do. Some may have side effects, but none are fatal unless a rare confluence of disease, allergy and timing fall into place. The chance of that happening is infinitesimal. Has it happened? Yes. Does it cause autism? No. Are vaccines a government conspiracy? No.

So far, COVID vaccines have proven to be working with few side effects. They are very much the answer to our pandemic. If some avoid the vaccine, that is their problem and risk for serious illness and possible death. If many follow this dictum, ‘herd immunity’ may take longer to acquire. However, that immunity will arrive with or without anti-vaxxers.

So, they lose no matter the how or the what.

That only demonstrates how foolish they are. And selfish. And ignorant.

Guess their only other effort will be to continue to repress voting rights. Democracy to them is something to manage and manipulate for their own gain.


March 29, 2021


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