Shame! Shame on those who continue to politicize the pandemic. It is a virus. It is nature. It is science.
It is not politics.
Freedom to be is always trumped by how one person’s freedom
affects another person’s. If my freedom reduces your freedom, then limits are
needed on my freedom, at least with respect to the specifics of that case.
The virus will spread to other hosts. That is its nature.
The virus will also mutate; that is science, evolution. Science has been
supported by our society with research, study, testing and more research. We
have come to understand how science works. That has helped us create new
knowledge and expand our understanding of how the universe functions. These
advancements are the foundation of our products and services rooted in our
economy. And our homes, families and future.
Healthcare has benefited from this scientific method. Each
virus, bacteria or medical diagnosis presents its own specifics. How we treat a
patient with specific diagnoses is customized to the illness.
With COVID-19 we have learned much. From no understanding to
a lot of understanding. That explains why our early treatments were a flurry of
experimentation, physical therapies, and drug experimentation. We applied what
we knew to what we didn’t, kept track of the results, and carried on with
amended procedures until we recognized improved results. These then became the
newest protocol in treating COVID patients.
Along the way we learned how to slow down the spread of the
virus. The greatest tool turned out to be the simplest – wearing a face mask.
Next in usefulness was washing hands, followed quickly by social distancing. We
experimented with social distancing and learned which commercial venues spread
the disease fastest. Bars, restaurants, and partying were the greatest
culprits. Those were the businesses shut down or curtailed the most.
Herd immunity is a concept still not fully understood. Until it is, or until most everyone is vaccinated, we must continue our practice to stop or slow viral spread. It is a basic fact of life. To claim otherwise is a political naivete. It is a willful game of chicken. Only the game has potential of lethal results spread far and wide. No one should be allowed to play that game for the sake of others.
If we are to return to a full, rich American life, we must
protect everyone from the virus and its consequences. 535,000 dead are proof of
the lethality of the disease. That is a fact. We can control the outcome of the
disease. That is also a fact.
Let us be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.
Get the vaccine when available to you. Meantime wear a mask.
Afterward, wear the mask until you know you are safe, and others are too.
Think of others. Your kindergarten teacher said so.
March 18, 2021
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