Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Border Crisis?

No. Not a crisis, at least not a new one. Raising this issue now as though Biden created it is a false canard. The border crisis has been with us for decades. It is raised as an issue from time to time just to rile the masses to a false instant issue. Another wedge issue.

The border problem is real. Real people live lives of desperation in some countries, and they seek freedom and opportunity for themselves and their children. It is a natural human response. America figures greatly in their minds as the great hope. So, they come. They grab what they can carry and gather their loved ones and make a long, arduous journey to our borders. Our southern border is gateway for Mexicans and Central Americans. Some South American nationalities, too.

There are other borders. Our Canadian border is not a problem. Equal opportunity exists on both sides of the border so little illegal crossing is experienced. Coastal borders, however, are another thing. Vast  illegal immigration happens all along our coastal regions. This has been happening for decades, too. More coastal border crossings occur annually by far than at our southern border with Mexico. But no ‘crisis’ flags are flown for those locations. By air or sea, immigration happens.

Political nonsense is clearly on parade.

Is there a crisis? Yes. Always has been. Can it be addressed and solved? Yes, but it must be defined, solutions weighed, and programs designed to solve the problem, not the symptom of the problem.

So far Congress has enjoyed this issue as a political football. They seem to want this handy wedge issue to remain available for them to play when it suits them.

The only solution will come from We the People. We must demand workable and fair solutions to our immigration challenges. Our representatives have no motivation to fix the problem when they can use it to dodge other issues so conveniently.

Shame on them for this behavior. Shame on us for letting them get away with it all these years. Time to change the outcome. But only if we get involved with it. And demand it.

March 24, 2021




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