Monday, July 26, 2021

Billionaires in Space

What is the value of two, and soon, three, billionaires traveling to space and back? That they had the vision and the courage to pursue their dream of achieving this goal. It was once the goal of governments only because of the huge cost. Now, three independent businessmen have dared to do what nations once did. That says a lot about organization, teamwork, and management discipline.

If these three business organizations can attain these heights, then what else can they accomplish? That is an appropriate question for our times.

A nagging question remains on the periphery: how much did these three space races cost and could that wealth have produced answers to large social problems that continue to plague earthlings?

The answer is blunt: the problems exist and grow because governments are unwilling to take on the tasks. Ideological battles stand in the way of governments spending public dollars on such things.

That reality is tragic when viewed from another perspective: investing in people and the quality of their lives produces societies worth living in. Not doing the hard work to solve social ills suggests governments do not care about their people or the future.

No doubt a lot of money can be earned from conquering space. No doubt a lot of money is earned from the continuing health care of billions of sick and dying people. More money is earned building scarce knowledge bits among people who can bid up their own worth while suppressing education and intellectual gains among millions of capable people.

The raw argument focuses on the value and purpose of government. In my mind that is security, peace and quality of life. Government alone cannot solve the attendant problems, but they can work with educated, motivated individuals to make the magic happen. That requires equal access to healthcare, education and opportunity, the bedrocks of personal freedom. Without those we are a society devoid of caring and ability to reach beyond ourselves.

I do not think we have sunk so low, but there are forces among us making government meaningless when what we need is government willing to empower and expand individual potential to achieve for us all what alone we cannot do.

When will congress awaken to their duty? Ever? In our lifetime?

July 26, 2021


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