Monday, July 19, 2021

Bush W’s Lament

I know George W is a saint compared with Mr. T, but really? George W thinks Biden made a mistake in withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan? He is certain total disaster will follow.

Good for him. That country was a disaster before US troops landed there. It will return to its normal disaster once we have left. The cause and effect in this instance has nothing to do with one another.

Afghanistan is ungovernable without violence and Talibania. That simply is its norm.

We were in Afghanistan to get Bin Laden. We did that but in Pakistan, a nation ally of ours who proved its perfidy by hiding Bin Laden. Meanwhile, we were in Afghanistan to have a convenient military base from which to attack and resupply our troops in Iraq. That was a boneheaded move, but we did it anyway. Afghanistan proved unworthy of our investment. The Iraq war went south regardless. So did Afghanistan.

Might I remind readers that George W and Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld were the three joy boys who got us in both of those nations? $5 trillion later, we are no better off, and neither is the global community. An utter waste.

Russia had the same results many years before. Afghanistan is ungovernable. Until its people rise up and take back their country, it will remain ungovernable. The consent of the governed is required in these matters.

China will have no better result. Only Afghanis control their outcome.

For George W to complain at this late date only demonstrates his total lack of foreign policy competency. But then what should we have expected from a drop out?

July 19, 2021


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