Friday, July 23, 2021

Do Nothings

Mostly I refer to Congress. The warring political parties try to block each other from getting credit for anything done that is good for the nation. The result is little is accomplished.

When the White House asks Congress to act and they don’t, their reply is that the President has failed to accomplish his goals. When Congress enacts a law that is clearly unconstitutional, the Supreme Court has to balance the governing equation. When it doesn’t, then complicated problems grow worse.

Block and dodge is the game being played. From my perspective it has been going on for several decades. The time to make compromise work for the nation is now. Failure to do so is too high a price for the country to bear. These issues include:

·         Global warming, weather emergencies

·         Equal access to healthcare, universal health insurance

·         Equal access to quality education for all of us, lifelong

·         Freedom from gun violence

·         Immigration reform that mirrors our nation’s values

·         Finance election reform that removes corporations; better yet, fund all campaigns with government funds formula driven

·         Eliminate homelessness


Something must be done, but what? That is the question.

Meanwhile the rest of us watch our country burn, flood, collapse and debate the ridiculous. Not a pretty picture. Nothing but games. No substance.

The abiding truth of all this is we enable those who represent us. When they do not represent us, we have a duty to remove them and elect doers in their places. Doers or do-nothings? That is the question. What will be our answer?

Let’s face it, the government of the USA is us, you and I. We alone can fire the do nothings. So let us do just that.

We need people who understand the constitution to plan our way forward. We need clear thinking political scientists to implement the plan forward. We need an educated public to vote for the people best suited to operate our governance system.  A lot of good things have to happen for us to make a difference. Are we ready to do that?

Are you?

July 23, 2021


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