Saturday, January 28, 2012

Technology & Science

Continuing the theme begun December 28, 2011, the next Key Issue I’d like to focus on is Technology and Science. It is a good topic to follow my last update on Education. Today’s topic covers the following: 

Technology & Science – How we Interconnect the Facets of Life
                        New technology means new patterns of thinking
                        New technology means new ways of acting, achieving,
                        Technology delivers the future to us today 

In my mind there is no way we can succeed as a nation by entering the future unprepared. That means planning. Dreaming of our possibilities. Delving into education and all of its elements. Along the way we will happen upon science and technology. Inevitably. 

Science is all about understanding the physical world: how it most likely came about, how it has changed over the eons, which laws operate conclusively the physical elements of our world and universe, which theories likely explain what we don’t understand currently, and the scientific research that will enable us to turn theories into laws or do away with unproven theories. It is a vital process of understanding ourselves and our world, and gaining knowledge consistently through a disciplined approach. 

Technology makes use of scientific discovery. It provides ideas we can work into real tools, real services, real things that improve our ability to live life fully in the universe. Such technology builds toward new technologies in an ever quickening pace of fresh discovery. 

If you have followed TED (Technology/Education/Design) seminars and documentaries, you will note how innovative thinkers are using science, technology and bizarre (to us!) thought processes, to actually uncover more ideas and technology. This interconnection of fresh thinking actually frees the mind for more creative heights of exploration. It actually aids thinking, creates thinking, allows thinking. I know this sounds obvious. But it isn’t. We tend to think in stodgy old patterns of thought. If we let our minds seek their own level of understanding – their own flights of fancy – stunning results occur. Fancy one minute becomes a proven, useful tool seconds later. Associated ideas take great leaps of logic and discover new relationships, associations.

Brainy people left to their own methods, arrive at startling findings and conclusions. Those benefit each of us.  

These fruits of excellence are easily killed off, however, by narrow minded educational philosophies, practices, and restricted budgets. Snuffed out even before willing minds can experiment with new thinking. New ideas. New perspectives. 

Educational institutions must be strong enough to support new, effective methods of educating students of all ages. Encouraging fresh ways of viewing the world brings invention of ideas and processes. This brings discovery. And new methods. And new Technology. All of this is the result of a way of thinking. 

Technology accelerates our ability to think in ever widening patterns and shapes. This produces more technology. New ways of acting come directly from this brain activity. Soon whole new manufacturing methods will emerge along with entirely new industries. 

Think propulsion. Currently internal combustion engines propel most of our automobiles. Not good enough is it? We must find a simpler way to move people and their cars. We have to find a way that uses our natural resources less intensively. We also must find a way to do all of this without polluting or destroying our environment. 

What possibilities exist that we know of? Electric vehicles, of course, but these require heavy, expensive batteries containing minerals that pollute to acquire, use and dispose of. What about solar electric vehicles? Try that in a cloudy climate and watch traffic jams go nuts! 

No we need fresh ideas. How about movement in outer space? What about magnetic propulsion. What totally unknown science may be discovered that will solve our problem? How do we find it? With education. With research. Basically, we must look for it. It helps to know what problem we are trying to solve to begin the search! Can we do that with restricted education budgets? Can we do that with outdated laboratories? Can we do that without encouraging people to pursue these interests?   

I think not. Education yes. Pursuit of technology and everything it allows to follow, yes. Let it happen for sure. Make it happen as well. Intentionally. 

Just think of the things we can do better and cheaper! So many challenges. So many opportunities. So much potential! 

Our future is extraordinarily bright. If we let it.

January 28, 2012

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