Wednesday, June 13, 2012

If we are to succeed...

The we is you or your family, or it could be all of us, our nation or region or state, or it could be all of us globally, the human race.

Which will it be?

I suppose we should start with the human race because it will do the most good. Besides, if we are successful, all of us benefit. That’s how thinking big, or long term works. The bigger the idea, the better the benefit for the most people. Getting there forces us to do things, spend time thinking or acting, on ideas of shorter term; because we know they serve the long term aims, too. Think long term, act short term; let it all work together.

Doing so brings rewards to each of us now. We have purpose. We feel good about ourself, our family and our friends. Our co workers get it too; we work better together and are more productive as a team. We share our good ideas (and our bad, but those we dump quickly in the light of day!). We share our strengths and weaknesses, magnifying the best and minimizing the least. We can do this because the least of our ideas or our faults, are overcome by better ideas from the group. And strength of muscle and will.

While we are doing these things our living standards are stabilized, even improved. We can focus on other needs or yearnings because shelter, safety, food, clothing and health are being cared for. Next come ideas, intellect, pleasure and gratification. We can work on those because the basics are being cared for. We are able to create, communicate and educate. We have energy and stamina for this because we don’t have to worry or slave to obtain the basics. Those are in place.

As we strive for larger good, bigger ideas, and expansive benefits for the many, we recognize our place in life. We are not alone. We are not all powerful. We are not all ego. We are humble and reaching forward toward enlightenment. Expansiveness of life. Of value for life. For value of each other.

We can afford to become less greedy, selfish, and self centered. We don’t need to be otherwise.

This may sound a little utopian. Perhaps it is. But the opposite is what? Do we really want more of that? More of the same? Ugh!

No. I suspect most of us want the good. And we can have it if we want it; truly want it. And trust that working together we can achieve it.

Or else we are stuck where we are: suspicious of others; mistrustful; careful and guarded; short on joy; fearful; non participative in social life; closed in. And suffering. Unhappy.

Why would we choose that? Why would we live for that? Why not the better?

Why not indeed!

June 13, 2012

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