Monday, June 18, 2012

NRA, Mitt, Homophobia and More

Some brief commentaries:

~From the Internet come some more quotes I found interesting, intriguing. Among them are:
“In one year guns murdered
            17 people in Finland
            35 in Australia
            39 in England and Wales
            60 in Spain
            194 in Germany
            200 in Canada
And 9,484 in the United States.
God Bless America.”
                        ~Brady Campaign

Apart from the statistical difference related to the US’s larger population, why do Americans allow the National Rifle Association to control Congress’ legislation or lack thereof pertaining to use of guns? Surely most of the fatalities shown above did not involve rifles; these crimes were committed with hand guns. Guns may be agents of defense but too often are used as tools of fear. Why does this travesty continue? Can’t we collaborate on a solution that meets most of our needs?

~Elizabeth Warren, Democrat candidate for Senate, Massachusetts
“Mitt Romney said corporations are people. No, Mitt, corporations are not people.
People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they love, cry, dance.
They live and they die.
Learn the difference. We don’t run this country for corporations. We run it for people.”

Corporations have voices. They have needs. They create jobs and are valuable partners in our society. They should not have the right to control elections, lobby our legislators endlessly or buy their votes. If our elected reps don’t understand that, we need to replace them.

~Amy S. from ‘hagd’ stated this on the Internet:
“Homophobia is the irrational fear that two gay men will break into your home and redecorate it without your knowledge.”

I cannot conceive of another reason why they would fear gay people. And perhaps they should redecorate the homes of others; many are in need!

~Anonymous from the Internet:
“Love means that you accept a person with all their failures, stupidities, ugly points,
And nonetheless, you see perfection in imperfection itself.”

Ah love! You meet the most wonderful people! Love makes much possible. Let it happen.

~Another unknown author emblazoned on the Internet:
“90 people have swine flu and everyone wants to wear a mask.
A million people have AIDS and nobody wants to wear a condom.”

There is no accounting for prejudice or lack of common sense. Or stigma.
If everyone wore a condom during sex except for the express purpose of conceiving a baby, no one would have AIDS. If everyone were tested for HIV/AIDS, they would know there status. If they knew they had HIV, wouldn’t they then know not to spread the disease? What’s the problem here? Stigma? Ignorance? Lack of common sense? What?

~Photo of a black man holding a placard standing in front of the US Capitol Building; the placard states:
“I want you to stop being afraid of other Americans,
            Of other religions
            Of other classes
            Of other nations
            Of speaking out.
You’re Americans. Act like it!
If you don’t get it, ask an American who does.

Our nation fought this battle against slavery and racial prejudice for generations. It dawdled on through a lot of our history. The prejudice remains but lesser so. Still it remains. Why? And the placard could carry the addition of gays, immigrants and Muslims and carry the same meaty message. Why are we Americans so resistant to understand these things? Freedom. Pursuit of happiness. My happiness does not remove your happiness. Hmmmm.

~And finally, Walt Whitman said:
“Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.”

Really think about that statement. If you are insulted by corporations buying elections and votes in our houses of legislation, then it is wrong and the problem needs to be corrected. How do we do that? How do we get Congress to agree to do something about it?

Thanks for listening, er reading!

June 18, 2012

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