Friday, November 15, 2013

Dog Hotel

This quote was given to me the other day. It comes without author identification. It is too good to ignore:

“Dogs are welcome in this hotel. We never had a dog that smoked in bed and set a fire to the blankets. We never had a dog that stole our towels and played the TV too loud, or had a noisy fight with his traveling companion. We never had a dog that got drunk and broke up the furniture…so if your dog can vouch for you, you’re welcome too.”   ~The Management

I love this! Sure dogs bark and whine when left alone. And certainly many a dog has been forgotten by their masters as the latter lost track of time in the bar or dining room so the dog was left to pee and poop in the room. But still, think of the other threats posed by human occupants of a hotel room. Dogs do not come near the wreckage made by humankind.

Perhaps we should simplify our thinking on other matters, sort of making it simple so dogs can understand them? Instead we complicate matters endlessly.  Here’s an example:

“Once you realize that trickle-down economics does not work, you will see the excessive tax cuts for the rich as what they are – a simple upward redistribution of income, rather than a way to make all of us richer, as we were told.”
                                                            ~Ha-Joon Chang
                                                             Faculty of Economics
                                                             University of Cambridge

This trickle down theory has been tested several times. The first time it helped boost economic activity; after that its booster effect dwindled to nothing. Its value has been extinguished. Now it needs to be reversed in order to bring balance back to the system. Nearly every economist in the nation and on the world stage of academia agrees with this conclusion. Only the politically purchased economics disagree!  That should tell us something!!

We need reminding of a simple fact of life that past generations of Americans knew well through thick and thin of boom and bust economic cycles.  Here it is:

“When the entirety of your earnings are exhausted on food and shelter, your labors are no longer viewed as an opportunity for economic advancement, but rather as an act of self-preservation. In the real world, that’s called slavery.”

That’s a good place to leave our discussion today. Enjoy the day and the coming weekend! Think kindly of others and BE kind to them!

November 15, 2013

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