Monday, November 25, 2013

Dusting Off Troubles

Found this on the internet the other day. It has poignancy for most people. Some more than others.

“Here’s to all the people who get back up more times than they are knocked down, who give more than they ever expect to receive, who still show love to others, even when their own heart is broken, who smile through the sad times, who light the way for others, who spread laughter and joy. Thank you for making the world a better place.”

Wow! I want to remember this clearly on Thanksgiving Day. And everyday!

We got an email the other day from a friend in Wisconsin. She is going through a health scare, undergoing chemotherapy, and dealing with the general subject of aging in her own life. She shared her concerns with us about a special nephew of hers. Seems he lives in our region, is 38, alone and estranged from his family. What is worse, he is gay and struggling with that reality. Alcohol has been his medication of choice and now it is out of hand. She does not know what to do about this and lives several hours away. She asked us for help.

What to do? Offer help of course. Seems he has a good friend and a cousin living near us and she will attempt to get us all together.  We know the struggle of being gay in this society, being made to feel different, sensing estrangement and all the rest. We have gotten over that. I have had the battle with alcohol. So far I’m winning that war and what keeps the victories coming is sharing it with those who are in the midst of battle. That keeps me sober and gives strength to those hoping to become sober. 

So we share the strengths and dreams with others.

She is most grateful. I understand that in some way because we have been on the receiving end many times in the past 8 years. On the other hand it surprises me because what we do is natural and on-going. It is not a badge of courage or honor. It just is.

Yet experienced again and again times several millions of people, the force of sharing strength with others in need is an ocean of caring that swells the tide of well-being throughout a nation. What a blessing this is!

The critical point, however, is whether the caring will be accepted and allowed into the sufferer’s life. The formula for wellness requires both giving and receiving to work well together.

This takes time. Each person has his/her own circumstance to give and to receive. Timing is of the essence. And if it does not succeed, the efforts must be repeated over and over again to improve success rates. 

These are not easy things to deal with. And not quickly healed. It takes time.

Meanwhile it matters a lot that there are those willing to be involved. And care.

May this current of caring be in your life this day. Nurture it well. It will serve you and others in turn.

November 25, 2013

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