Thursday, March 20, 2014


Awoke early this morning. The election judge duties are behind me. Rocky continued to unpack and organize the apartment following the bulk of the move yesterday. Today are some meetings and miscellaneous errands. Then we prepare for distributing the paper tomorrow. That involves printing postal tray labels, picking up checks for the printer and post office, and clearing out the van for the hauling. Thursday is the day we pick up newspaper from printer in DeKalb, haul to Warrenville and sort into postal trays, reload, then distribute to 33 drop off points. Then deliver paper to post office.

There are other errands to run but any free time will be spent at the old house to clear out trash, separate donation items, and get ready for family to pick up various pieces of furniture and personal goods. Then back to the apartment to continue the task of getting settled.

Then the final meeting of the board for the park district. I resign effective that evening because I have moved out of the district.

As we awake each morning in the new place it dawns on me that this is our new home. The cord of belonging has been cut and looking forward has begun in seriousness at the apartment.

Yesterday as I worked at the election polling site, I greeted old neighbors and friends in Warrenville. It was like old home week. A pleasure at first, but heartsick too to realize a journey of 20 years has come to a close. Although we will live only 3 miles farther north, and we intend to continue many of our Warrenville haunts and relationships, it is inevitable that our shift of focus will grow at our new home. And that is normal, and good.

Already new neighbors are welcoming us to the ‘hood. Offers of help to carry boxes and lift heavy things have poured in. Helpful hints have been received on how to accommodate the building’s rules and regulations. Very much we are made to feel welcome. And it is good.

The bed seems firmer and more comfortable! The moon shining through the transom lights seems intrusive at first then comforting. The soft urban noises provide a hum of background sound, comforting as well and rarely intrusive. But it is the floor that amazes. It is heated by hot water within and always comfortable to the feet whether bare or stockinged!

And did I tell you the garage was heated? Well it is and early on election day (5 AM) the car was 64 degrees while outdoors the temps hovered at 32 degrees. The car’s heater gave off soft warmth immediately. What a luxury in Illinois!

A new place must acquire many attributes before it is truly home. Already, however, we are noticing homey aspects building day after day.

We know we have made a good choice. We do feel at home now. Even as our ties to Warrenville remain their strength fades at least a little.  We are excited by what is to come.

May you feel as ‘received’ and embraced as we have. It is good.  It is all good, indeed!

March 20, 2014

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