Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Building on Rubble

So, the election is over. The dirtiest, most awful Presidential Campaign season I have ever experienced. And I know I am not alone in celebrating its passing. Thank God It Is Over!

But now we face the inevitable building of workable teams in government. The two parties will regroup and consider what their future plans are. They will either lick their wounds or celebrate victories. But both parties now stand wounded. In front of their own people. In front of all American citizens.

Yes, you Mr. and Mrs. Democrat and Republican. Both parties are wounded now. They do not represent the sensibilities or values of our nation. We are better than the face they placed on our nation during the campaigns. We are kinder, gentler and more inventive of solutions to our shared problems. We care about each other more and work hard in silent, unheralded organizations and charities. We do the work of America. We really do.

A political party does not do the work of the nation. It merely assembles leaders who they think can get things done but first they must have the reins of power to make things happen. So the money bags come out; ads are bought. Skulduggery teams are built and they go to work. They research the polling data and they identify countless issues in countless communities to determine where the strength of voters will make a difference in the next election. They will team up against imagined or real political enemies and cut them off at the pass. They will ambush them and taint them and otherwise destroy their reputations so the candidate field in the future is simpler and clearer for them.

The only problem is their opposite party is doing the same thing. So it is a wash or at least a tie on the old gridiron of play! And so it goes. Another election, another generation, another era of lost opportunity and possibility for building something positive. Negativity wins the day yet again. And the cycle starts all over again.

Or, we could agree among ourselves – just you and I – that this past political season was the absolute worst and must never again occur. We must set the standard high for a return to principle and purpose. So I’m suggesting we look at the following as a possible framework to use in this struggle into the future.

First, decide to actually discuss the big issue in front of us: Is our society to be a big government or a little government society? Indeed, what do these terms mean and portend? My hunch is that a full discussion of this issue will lead us to a better position of agreement, something like this:

  1. Government has purpose and needs to be allowed to do its job
  2. Government should be funded and managed to do its tasks efficiently and with excellence of output
  3. Watchdog controls within government should effectively guarantee the latter two points.
  4. The size of government will fit the task it is being asked to do:
    1. Military establishment must be up to the task of defending the nation
    2. Social Security is the largest and most effective safety net of its kind and must be retained and kept healthy for future generations
    3. Medicare is the largest medical care safety net of its kind and must be retained and kept healthy for future generations
    4. Infrastructure standards must be set and supported long into the future
                                                              i.      Size and health of electrical grid
                                                            ii.      Size and health of natural gas distribution system
                                                          iii.      Energy policy that minimizes international threats to stability on a global basis; research and develop non-fossil fuel energy base
                                                          iv.      Highways and bridges maintained to national standard
                                                            v.      Dams and storm water management engineered and maintained for maximum public safety
                                                          vi.      Water and sewer systems maintained at the highest standards of quality and safety
    1. Education standards must be set and maintained to support
                                                              i.      Research and development of science, math, and technology that leads the world in manufacturing, education and public services
                                                            ii.      Increase access to all education levels for each citizen so they maximize their value to themselves and society
                                                          iii.      Control costs of access to education so individual citizens can afford such access
    1. Maintenance of National Commerce system to meet world competition
                                                              i.      Banking system strong and without fault lines within its structure
                                                            ii.      Inflation controlled so as to do the least damage to the quality of life for the entire public
                                                          iii.      Trade agreements engineered that protect labor and capital assets fairly while allowing breakthrough developments in international trade and competition healthy for the nation and global village
    1. Environmental protection for continued healthy living quality long into the future: protect the planet for future generations now and always 
Second, develop a prioritized list of these issues that must be worked on for long term health and prosperity for the nation. Not all issues can be effectively addressed at the same time. They must be taken in order of their underlying support for a social system that functions well. Education is certainly one of the highest priorities. Without investment in our people and their minds, we will surely be lost! But of course, military issues are probably even higher than education. And other issues, important of course, even vital, must take their place in an orderly set of priorities so that we eventually address all issues. Just not all at once. Some we can do concurrently with others. Many of the issues of importance are not in collapse but well along in development. We continue such work while more important issues are managed to higher levels of performance.

We are not a nation of unlimited resources. All of us have limits. Time, energy, spirit are among the rarest of resources. Money is much farther down the line in importance. But our collective intelligence and will make a huge difference if we use them well.

Without the self imposed misery of political parties perhaps we can actually get at what is important to us?

If so, let’s demand this form of leadership of all of our elected officials. If they don’t perform or demonstrate the necessary discipline, then mark them for removal at the next election. We don’t need a party structure to make this happen. We just need common sense and engaged citizens to make this happen.

Please consider all of this within the next several weeks. We have the opportunity to make a difference. The only question is will we? And that is up to you and I.

November 16, 2016

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