Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I Weep for Thee America!

This is Election Day. Long before you read this I wrote this piece and then published early this morning before setting out for my assigned polling place. I am an election judge and will work throughout the morning and night to administer the election laws of our nation fairly and properly. This activity will, for this small gathering of precincts, provide the legal voting activity for the citizens willing to step forward and cast their votes. And they will be dutifully and accurately counted to produce the final results of this horrible election season.

It has been demoralizing to those of us who take this seriously. So many people with vapid personalities and no understanding of issues voting ‘their conscience’ on issues they decide on a whim or misguided rhetoric. For them they are certain they have done their duty. For others they are certain that a travesty has been foisted on the public yet again. And given the tenor of this campaign, who can blame either side for their feelings of despair?

The victorious will be branded crooked no matter what is done, said or counted as victory. The defeated will snarl and spit their way into yet another season of dismay followed by a campaign that goes awry as well.

Must we continue this sham? Must we allow nonsense and distortions to set the stage as fact for our elections? I think not. I think we are capable of doing this better. But it doesn’t matter what I think. It matters more what we all think and feel, and then act to change the system. Period. The system is broken and needs replacement.

First, get big money out of campaigns.
Second, let public funds budget and fund each campaign
Third, let issues themselves drive the interest and vote-getting. Let discussion of the issues demonstrate the intelligence of the candidates and their forward approach to managing our republic.

If this doesn’t remove the personalities from the campaign I don’t know what will. But I think we must try.

I wrote ‘it takes a village’ to save a town or community. The same holds true for me regarding our nation. It takes all of us working together – not believing the same things – but at least working together to make our nation work well, achieve the great things it is capable of, and to support quality of life for all of us. It is a big task. But it is doable.

Life – Liberty – And the pursuit of happiness. That is what America stands for. But it stands with all of our legs and feet firmly involved in the tasks of making the society work as well and seamlessly as we can make it. It is not automatic. It does not require any of us to be selfish or self centered. If we watch out for ourselves and each other at the same time the larger good will be served.

Towns and cities experiencing bone crushing recessions and depressions failed themselves. They had all the elements present for past success, current well-being, and a continuation of same well into the future. But that well-being ceased, didn’t it. Why? Why didn’t they search for the answers then, and prepare the way for repair and rejuvenation? They had all the smarts they needed. They had the money. They had the institutions. They had the assets from the past to use for investing in the future.

The fact they didn’t is the largest part of why they failed. Absent leadership is another component of this failure. It doesn’t take an Einstein to observe what is happening, or a guru to determine what to do to fix it. It just takes us to remain plugged into our communities and see for ourselves. And then step forward to help, speak, offer ideas.

Too many communities have not done this in the past. The landscape of our nation is littered with towns, ghost towns and underdeveloped regions that have failed themselves. As one industry peters out, replace it with another that is in demand by the nation. Look for the big picture. Seek other nuances of the future. It is calling us. It calls each of us personally, too.

Have you heard it? Have you tingled to its message? Are you reacting yet? Do you have an interest in what happens next?

Then what will you do about it? And why are you just sitting there reading this?

Act. Now. Before it is too late.

November 8, 2016

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