Friday, December 30, 2016

Happy New Year?

After yesterday’s post one wonders how I could possibly countenance wishing anyone a Happy New Year! I wondered the same thing, and still I write this post!

After some thinking, however, I came up with this reason to wish you, and everyone else, a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year in 2017. In fact I came up with several reasons, but one sticks out from all the others.

2017 holds the promise – as do all fresh, new periods of time – to make the best of circumstances and discover startling new things that will alter the course of history for the good of all people everywhere. And I think we have the wherewithal to do just that in 2017. Here’s why:

  1. We know more about medicine and the human body today than we ever have, and we have the engineering know-how in biotechnological methods and materials to make wondrous things happen. We can replace worn out body parts much more simply and with less rejection of replacement parts.
  2. We have the ability to lessen the effects of most medical conditions that have plagued humankind for centuries. And we now can plot how to eliminate many of those diseases entirely.
  3. We know our public education system in the United States is not as effective as it should be and we have the resources to replace it and offer the very best methods to achieve desired outcomes – an educated and self sustaining populace. All we have to do is make the decision to rebuild and replace the system.
  4. We have the ability and know-how to provide safe drinking water to every human being on earth. It is only a matter of will for us to do this.
  5. We have the inventive genius of mankind to invent our way out of any problem we define as a solvable issue. All we have to do is identify the problem and gather the will to solve it. We can do this, and have had this ability for quite some time now. All we lack is the will.
With all of this going for us 2017 holds the promise to be a remarkable year for planet Earth. It will require agreement on priorities and use of resources. That will require leadership that intelligently understands the stakes at hand. It also requires intelligent followers to support the decisions.

The only question left is – will we make use of the opportunity before us?

I can only wish you the courage to engage in this promise and then experience a truly happy New Year!

December 30, 2016

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