Monday, December 19, 2016

What’s Happening?

Watching the news is depressing. We learn about war torn areas and the suffering of others located in the midst of the strife. We learn who is fighting who and sometimes learn that 3 or 4 parties are involved. One wonders how they tell each other apart? And if they do, is it done in time to prevent friendly fire?

And Syria’s government fighting its own people! So rebels take up the fight. And others help them right wrongs and find justice. America’s troops are there to fight ISIS. But those folks are fighting both the rebels and parts of the Syrian regime, and American forces. American forces are there in the first place to help an international coalition battle ISIS. But among those allies are their forces fighting Syria, too? And then Russia enters the fray to help Syria. Of course this means they fight the rebels and ISIS. And wouldn’t they just love to mix it in with a few of the other international forces?

Too much confusion. Too much bloodshed. Too much tearing down and suffering. Where are the balanced minds who truly seek peace, and end to the violence, and a meaningful solution to the problems that caused the uproar in the beginning? And just where is that beginning? What did cause the uproar? Does anyone remember?

Like the eastern European bloc of nations fighting a Muslim war and history, hundreds of years have passed with enmity growing and violence killing and the cycle continues endlessly. All in the name of religion? And who remembers what started it all? Anyone?

I don’t think so. This is an abomination made by man and suffered by man. An eye for an eye consumes all the eyes as well as the bodies. Life ceases there. And if a glimmer of it remains, the suffering drowns it out.

Same in the Middle East. Same religions battling each others. Same religion, really, just different sects. The foolishness of this is obvious. The stalemate is as well. Nothing good comes from this. Not a thing. Such is the meaning of nothing.

Nihilism is the word. The seeking to end all things. 

OK. Take a deep breath. Now do another one. Maybe four or five deep breaths. That’s it. That’s better. Ponder what you and I really want as an outcome. What would be good?

I’m not sure I know enough of the background to offer guidance on recovering from all the open wounds suffered by the masses. But I do know that forgiveness might be a magical potion to salve some of the wounds. Maybe enough salve to cause people to take a fresh look at what they want for the future? Leave the past behind and focus on the future?

We have one planet. We have to live on it together. Better that we do that face to face rather than in separate neighborhoods. Helping each other make the best of what we have to share – land, air, water, space, life. From this comes happiness or sorrow depending on what we do with the resources. So far the actions are not good and the outcomes even worse.

If we wish a better outcome we will have to do something different.

Obvious but so difficult to actually do.

The same is true in America. Big government or little? Big doesn’t have to be intrusive or all powerful. Little doesn’t have to be uncaring and heartless.

But we need to face the reality of problems too large for one person or agency to fix. It takes more than a village to solve some of our problems. And it certainly takes more than one nation to do so, too.

I would welcome a refreshing discussion on the role of government versus endless personal freedom. I think we all agree that we all have to give up some personal freedom to gain strength in social effectiveness. Just how much and how little is the point of discussion. This is not all government or no government. Social order is needed. Some police protection and order is required. And some military, too. Uncomfortably true, both of these forces are needed.

But what of the rest? Education, health care, taking care of the disabled, the dying, the aging, the insane, the…whatever. You fill in the blanks. Do you think private charity truly does the best job? And in time to limit suffering?

Churches have done a lot of this work for hundreds of years. But their attendance is falling and now less than half the population. Much less than half. A resurgence is nowhere in sight. So relying on churches and their agencies to soothe human suffering rife among us is unrealistic.

That leaves public agencies, doesn’t it? Or do we allow suffering to befall the weakest until it is good riddance time? Are we really that unfeeling and uncaring?

I don’t think so. Some government is necessary in every society. Social order. Social yearnings. National identity and purpose. Who are we and why are we? Are we peaceful or power seeking? Are we moralistic and heavy handed in imposing that morality on others? Or are we able to take care of ourselves and let others do so on their own terms in their own lands?

America does not have all the answers. We don’t even know the answers to our own problems and challenges. So let us not cast stones on other cultures and nationalities and religions. Take care of our own and offer help to those who wish it.

It’s the good neighbor syndrome. It has helped many for thousands of years. It is still a good process to use and rely on. Don’t give up on it.

If we watch the conjuring of the Trump Presidency turn America inside out and we don’t want that to happen, then we have only ourselves to blame. We must stem this tide of change back to what we believe in and want for our nation. First, we have to have some frank and knowledgeable discussions. Then agreement on what we believe in and are aiming for.

The election didn’t settle this issue. It only exacerbated the unfinished business of generations of lazy people unwilling to read and learn fact-based realities. This should not be about ideology. It should be based on facts only. Proven facts. Logical facts. And a willingness to move forward toward progress.

Are you in for this project? Or are you out?

December 19, 2016

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