Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Running for Office

Actually I’m running for re-election to the Board of Commissioners, Warrenville Park District. I was appointed to serve the remaining year of an unexpired term, then ran for the position outright and won a four year term. Five years has gone by quickly. I am now the Vice President of the board and enjoying the work. So I have chosen to run for re-election.

Now you say, “So what?” Well here is some of my baggage:

            -I am a recovering alcoholic; nearly 7 years sober; doing quite well thank you!
            -I am a converted smoker; been smoke-free over 7 years; again, doing quite well!
            -I write this blog, a journal really of my life, warts and all for all to see
            -I write a bi-weekly column in the local newspaper and am the beat reporter for
            City Hall
-I am openly gay in a very conservative county of Illinois; live openly with Rocky
            for nearly 13 years

In short I’m on full display for all to see and object to. Although they rarely say anything I hear or read, I do learn of the negative comments, usually through back channels at the paper. Trouble is it is not about smoking, alcohol, blogger or newspaper. It is solely about being gay.

That’s what I wish to write about today. I don’t know who authored this quote, but Rocky found it on the internet the other day:

“The secrets to a long lasting relationship: two people working, standing, wanting, being together and seeing the future together.”

Oh so very true! Especially seeing the future together. That is the profound secret that holds everything else together. Two different people learning to live together despite differentness and oddities! And finding common ground that anchors both souls together. Most marriages strive for this; but do they succeed in finding it? For those marriages or relationships that last, I think they do. Those relationships which fail did not find the elusive element.

Nicholas Sparks of The Notebook, shares this thought with us:

“I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am common man with common thoughts and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.”

Pretty powerful statement. Humble. Reaches deep inside of the self. Exposes raw human quality. The individual making the statement for him or herself is announcing the freedom to be a natural person. In a relationship that matters. That completes him.

There are those who pick at differences as though they define the person. You and I know they do not succeed. Jimmy Carter even places it in religious context:

“Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things – he never said that gay people should be condemned.”

As I read and study theologians dissecting the history and etymology of languages found in the original texts of the Bible, I have learned the Bible does not mean what a lot of politicians and big-church pastors claim. Those are false prophet people. Take this citation:

“Think Sodom was destroyed because of homosexuals?” Here’s what Ezekiel states:
“Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” ~Ezekiel 16:49

Like much of the Bible the text is about love and peace. It is about forgiveness not judgment. Romans and Leviticus are about hospitality. About looking out for the well-being of others. The Bible is not to be taken literally. It is too complex for that. And much of the delicate meanings are lost in eons of cultural change which alters language and symbols.

In the words of the great philosopher George Carlin(!):

“If you take the Bible literally and Mary is the mother of Jesus and Jesus is the lamb of God, does that mean Mary had a little lamb?”

Humorous, yes. But profound as well.

I’m hoping the good voters of Warrenville, Illinois will have the good sense to elect people of goodwill and intelligence to guide their government entities into the future, not the past of meanness and discrimination. We shall see in April how they fared.

March 12, 2013


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