Wednesday, September 18, 2013

State of the World

Syria slays its own citizens. Gases them. Bombs them. Destroys their towns and communities. Libya did similar damage to its own people, perhaps less the chemical weapons. Iraq did the same. Iran is a fearful nation and tries to instill fear in other peoples. Egypt sent its gangs and police out to subdue political enemies and started a civil war leading to the removal by force of two heads of government. The PLO continues to destroy its own people via boycotts, violence directed outside its borders but narrowing the borders for its own people.

This is the cradle of civilization. The Tigris and Euphrates. The Nile. Giza, Pyramids, Sphinx, Valley of the Kings. This is where the Bible says humanity got its start. This also is the story many history books claim is true.

They have done such a fine job! Look at them now. Such fine religions, philosophies and models of citizenship.

They war within themselves. They war among themselves. No wonder they wish to broaden the blame field to Europe and America!

As Maya Angelou states:

            “Hate has caused a lot of problems in this world, but it has not solved one yet.”

Of course American history has the same bigotry, hate and pretzel-thinking as the Middle East. How else could we have claimed religious freedom but turned this into meaning Christianity is the base of our laws? How else can we proclaim access to education for all yet throw up barriers to everyone in the same breath. How can we aver the freedom to vote yet pile one regulation after another to keep the meek of the earth away from the polls? And what of the elimination of debtor prisons yet the scourge of government agencies that accomplish the same thing yet with more humiliation?

The world is next door. It is on our doorstep. We live among all peoples as bosom neighbors whether we notice them or not.

Theodore Roosevelt had this to say:

“A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on  real issues!”

How easily we see this in everyday newscasts and press releases! Nothing truly said. Nothing much helpful.

Yet President Obama has stated the Syrian crisis openly and clearly. We do something as world citizens to save the lives of innocent peoples from being gassed, or we suffer the personal embarrassment of our inability to act.  What then would you do, Congress?

And they of course say and do nothing. They cannot. They are without will and principle. They have given it all over to crass political games of no value. This is the legislative body that claims so much but does so little! They are open to clear view: naked do- nothings living in a glass house. Yet we with stones hold back our weapons and laugh at the denizens of their own prison!

Creativity. American creativity is abundant. It resides in each of us. It is our duty to solve the problems conjured by the others. It is time for us to push away hate as Maya Angelou bids.  Another gem from Maya:

            “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”

So let’s get to work! Much to do. Much to do. And we have so much to work with!

September 18, 2013

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