Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New Technology

Yesterday’s blog post reported our household illnesses of late. While recuperating (slowly, it seems for two old poops!) we decided to rest our reading eyes and watch a movie on DVD. Well, we had two at the ready, but when we moved we only had good cable to connect the DVD player to the entertainment center, but we used it on the new connection for the TV in the bedroom. So, to watch a DVD in the living room we had to remove it from the bedroom installation and arduously crane about behind the entertainment center to plug the dratted thing into the proper holes!  That is not easy for two hurting old guys to do, especially when ailing and on meds distorting their world view.
So we advanced our decision to buy another cable thingy and made a trip to Best Buy.  Of course while there, in clouded mind and mood, I looked for a possible new computer to replace the six year old Toshiba that has been well used: 600k of blog postings, six years of editing and writing for the local newspaper – includes a column, at least two stories and countless obits in each issue. You get the idea. This computer has had a lot of use and its original keyboard even has divots, dirt and is now missing 40% of key markings!  So I replaced the keyboard with a plug in wireless device.
Even with that assistance, the old machine would black out on me, sometimes five or six times in the same minute. Try working with that sort of interruption, add seventy years of age and you will get a full picture of frustration and impatience. All mine! So it was time for a new computer contraption of some sort.
I decided on a Microsoft Surface. It is small, portable, powerful and very, very cheap. It contained all the software I needed and it would accept files from my old computer easily enough. Add cloud storage to what I already have plus external hard drives, and I’m pretty well set.
For all other units I considered, all new software was mandatory. Nonsense. I wanted the latest but didn't want to pay for it. So here I am with Microsoft’s own product with its own built in software.
How so ever it is time for this geezer to learn how to use it. And that is what I’m doing at this moment. The blog posting for April 29th is being writing on the Surface with the help of the Logictech wireless keyboard.  So far this is a snap!  Of course once it is written, I’ll have to figure out how to move it to the blog.  You shall be witness to that success – or not!
Inter-connectivity is what I wanted. One way or the other we had rigged that for me with past hardware and it worked. Not always easily but certainly we made it work. Now I’m hoping the new technology will be even easier and forthright.
Also, I’m aware of thinking circles – those relationship associations in the brain which support reasoning, logic and adjacency of thought that would magnify meaning and logical outcomes. The intuitive genius of Microsoft’s products is simply that – intuitive learning circles and circuits. I’m hoping to be right and benefit from this sort of thing.  Again you will be the witness of this – or not!
How utterly transparent is this? I’m impressed. Not to see if it all works.  More as we experience this together! Now I’m getting excited.
Let’s just hope it doesn't all crash into disappointment? Well, you’ll know when I know.
Witnesses, you know!
April 29, 2014


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