Monday, April 9, 2018

Time for Calm

The stock markets swing one way, then another. They jump and then slump. Thousands of points up and down in the pasts few months. This is volatility. This is not calm.

Immigrants are surging over our borders. But they are not. Crimes are committed by immigrants. But they are not. We are under attack at our borders. But we are not.

Call the troops to the borders. You can do it, but shouldn’t. There is no border attack. There is no need for calling up the National Guard. Yet the white house occupant says we must. He is wrong.

Build the wall. Test the wall. Pay for the wall. No one wants to do this but one and he has power. But others have power to check this impulse. Will they use it? Will they counteract the one in the white house?

Facts. Fiction. Tall tales. Lies. What is news. What is not news?

We are at a crossroads in America. Those who know the facts must stand up and be counted. Those of us who support those folks with researched knowledge confirming the facts, must also stand up. Not just at elections. But also in print, in local conversations and discussions, as well as the voting booth.

Our nation is in crisis. We have confused checks and balances guaranteed by the Constitution. We have leaders who don’t lead. We have leaders who pretend to lead and do damage to our system. Our free press is compromised by unwarranted attacks. Our economy is under attack from within by a barrage of lies and misinformation. Propaganda!

We the people still have power and we must use it. Find ways to do something to restore order and calm.

Amazon is not the problem. Amazon has revolutionized business – both retail and commercial. Amazon has created new jobs and new careers. Amazon has provided life-saving work for the United States Postal Service. Amazon pays taxes nationally, locally and statewide. And they report their taxes as they are supposed to. The one who attacks them does not report his taxes, shrouds his every move and business background in secrecy, and provided the largest tax breaks for all companies. Then he whines about one or two specific companies. Why?

Does the ‘why’ have anything to do with the fact – that is FACT – that Amazon’s primary owner and founder also owns the Washington Post newspaper? And the complainer in chief does not agree with the newspaper? Is that why pressure on Amazon has been waged?

We the people don’t have to believe the complainer in chief. We can buy from Amazon. We can hold Amazon stock, and we can buy even more Amazon stock. This should reverse the effects of the cowardly attacks by the one in the white house.

Why do I keep getting images of Voldemort in my mind each time the complainer in chief appears on the TV screen? He Who Shall Not Be Named is behind both of them? Hmmmm.

Calm people. Deep breaths. There is no border problem. There is no immigration problem. There is no Amazon problem. There is no leader in the white house.

Deep breaths. Calm. Move forward with your lives. Turn off the TV and radio when the new Valdemort appears. Do your jobs well. Teach your kids well. The future is ours to do and to live.

Let the professionals do their jobs, too. Let them teach, research and doctor us all back to health. They have facts on their side. Trust the facts. Leave fiction in the entertainment section. And then, let’s get back to serious, adult business of living life.

If England survived Nazi Germany, America can survive Voldemort and white supremacists and the NRA. Just ponder that!

Madeline Albright is right: Beware the Facists.

April 9, 2018

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