Monday, April 16, 2018

Trump Temblors

My spouse – husband – partner was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. He has tremors in his left leg and foot. We have dubbed these trump tremors. And we laugh. This is an attempt to make light of something serious; still, we laugh. And we need to.

Today’s post is entitled “Trump Temblors”, like earthquake temblors. In this case, however, I’m referring to international nonsense that is growing into a serious international incident. Do you need specifics? Well then, here are a few:

·       Firing or ousting three national security advisors to allow the newly appoint National Security Chief, Bolton, freedom to create his own team; this is worrisome for many reasons

·       President’s stance on Syria and response to the poison gas attack on Assad’s own people; Russia is Syria’s protector, warns the US that any missiles launched into Syria will be shot down and other consequences portend; well trump's threat came to pass but it remains to be seen what he will do in the future

·       4000 National Guard troops are removed from their civilian lives to patrol a 2000-mile border with Mexico. No war is waged between the two countries; no hostilities of war have been engaged. Yet, one national guard officer per half-mile of the land border has been assigned to patrol the area 24/7. Might this coverage be a little thin to do any good? Most likely, but then trump rarely makes a meaningful statement; seems as though this is another one

·       Trade war with allies and unfriendly nations both has been opened by the president. This is in challenge to those same nations he thinks are not doing enough to level the playing field in intellectual property rights, trading prices, and retaliatory tariff levies. What was once a calm venue in which to negotiate is now a hostile environment.

These seem more the result of a personality disorder than a serious effort to conduct international diplomacy. However, the results may be even more serious. Possibly deadly.

I call these the trump temblors. Nuisances at least; deadly at worst. Either is too high a price to pay for this irresponsible leadership.

What remedies exist for our nation to implement to counteract this threat to our peace? Surely there are some. Who among the Washington DC leadership in either party know what these solutions might be?

Time we girded our nation for severe times ahead. What a complete waste of time, talent and treasure for a person of such minor means.

April 16, 2018

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