Thursday, January 3, 2019


We ended 2018 with a directive from Rocky’s GP doctor to go to the ER. They were afraid his recent condition was trending toward dehydration. So we went on December 31 at 1 pm. The ER waiting room was full. About 50 patients and family members filled the seats. Maybe more.

Our tenure was long and fruitless. We were signed in, weighed, temperature taken, blood pressure registered and a brief history shared. The triage phase ended with a request to sit in the waiting room until called for a blood and urine test. Such never came. At 3:45 pm, nearly 3 full hours later, we asked when we might expect the tests to be taken, and were told another 1.5 hours at least.

We left the hospital. Made it home safely. Resumed sitting in the living room in front of the TV and promptly fell asleep.  Some New Year’s celebration.

Our exposure to the sick and dying hordes in the ER waiting area have yet to produce results on our health. I suspect we are OK but won’t know that for a few more days.

I enjoy watching people. I do not relish death rales or pneumonia coughs in the seat next to me. At some point I wondered if we would all be witness to a death in the room. The dire conditions of several patients were obvious.

Throughout the entire experience only a few people seemed concerned at the delays. That is how callous we have become in the face of our national healthcare dysfunction. The silence of the lambs was deafening. Well, except for the gurgling coughs of distressed lungs drowning in congestion.

I write this on the morning after. Rocky is OK; not great but OK. We think his issues were caused by massive antibiotics to battle a recent sinus infection. This upset his digestive system until a new balance is restored in the gut. Meanwhile, his meds for Parkinson’s and Diabetes continue their battle for supremacy.

Sometimes the patient does know better than the doctor. Calm and logic provide perspective and patience. More of that would lessen the pressures on the ER facilities. And their overworked staff.

Meanwhile, we have a new year in which to address the healthcare issues of the nation. Much needs to be done. Starting with ourselves.
Oh, and 3 days later, we still haven't gotten sick and Rocky is doing fine!

January 3, 2019

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