Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Mueller’s Year

2019 is a year of hope for America. This is so because Robert Mueller’s special prosecutor report will be released soon. It will lay out what it was charged to do, how that was defined, what was done to fulfill the authority, what findings were uncovered, and what they all mean. Finally, who is involved, what is their role, what crimes were specifically committed, and what range of penalties are recommended for each person named. Indictments will accompany the report; signed and sealed.

A tidy package that. The only unknown is the date of the report's release.

It will be soon. Before the end of January from all appearances.

The result will be quick. Resignations will occur. In all likelihood, the president will resign before February. Mr. Pence will be sworn in as president unless he, too, is named in the indictments. If not, Pence will pardon trump and life will go on. It will be different, however.

Pence will wish to make a name for himself and will thus soften the path laid down by his predecessor. That alone will be welcome relief.

Pardons will be short lived in one sense. Indictments will follow Mueller’s report by the New York State authorities. Those are not pardonable by Pence. Trump and his minions will suffer the fate of New York State. That’s home for him. A bittersweet treatment for a bittersweet person.

Benefits from all of this include a return to the rule of law. I cannot predict if and when civility will return, but it will not be soon. The hurt of past deeds will simmer for a while as revenge takes its course. But eventually the calm and resolve of adults will return to government.

Maybe the news media will do the same?

We can only hope that 2019 will unfold with certainty that misdeeds will be found out and dealt with forthrightly. No nonsense. Just prescribed action and process under the law. Then we can all get back to serious work of living a quality life and helping those less fortunate. That includes welcoming neighbors over the border and into our midst to continue the process of renewal of our moral purpose and enrichment of our culture.

Thank you, Mr. Mueller for all you will have accomplished for all of us.

January 2, 2019

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