Friday, January 18, 2019

Where will the Future Find Us?

The future is yet to be. Yet we sow the seeds of it every day, minute and hour of our present. Are we aware of these seeds and what they will produce? Do we really know what we are doing?

Over half of America’s citizens think not. Nearly all well-versed and attentive citizens think not.

The future will be what it will be. We do not control it. We can influence it. We can make it happen, but whether it happens the way we want or not, is an open question. We have much to learn about controlling future. It may very well be true that we will never have control over the future.

History is the story of peoples living on planet earth. Whether a family or nation, or a group of nations, these people have a story to tell of their origins, their pasts, their presents, and their hoped-for futures. This is what history, archeology, sociology and anthropology study. We know which people surpassed all others in varying ages in the past; we know which people did not excel and came to ruin and nothing. We still wonder why about some; but slowly we learn more and fill in the blanks.

I wonder if some future civilization far in the future will wonder whatever happened to the American civilization or even if it will be remembered? How did it fare? What led to its demise? What suffering tales can be told about this historical factoid? Or will our tale remain a core of civilizations’ story throughout many ages?

Saving political and ideological face has its price. How much of it are we paying for at the moment? Does anyone know? Does anyone care?

Time to assess the damage – the price of all the above. Change is in the air. The future is changing its definition of players as we speak. Who will be the protagonist of this tale? And who the antagonist?

What then the outcome? What will it be like? Do we care enough to define it? Hope for it?

January 18, 2019

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