Friday, June 28, 2013

Equality, Before the 4th of July!

Well, it’s about time. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) has been struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional.  Most people believed DOMA was flawed from the beginning.

For those who don’t, that’s too bad. Freedom of Religion does not carry with it the power to enforce religious beliefs on those who do not so believe. Period. Marriage is both a religious ritual and belief, AND a power of the individual states to license a marital relationship between two consenting adults. Both exist at the same time. They do not create special rights to either gays or churches.

As I write this post I just learned that the Supreme Court also allowed California to recognize same-sex marriage. That ruling does not extend to all the other states, but for now same sex marriage in California is legal once again. In all other matters of gay rights the lack of DOMA avows powerful individual rights.  A great day for freedom, I think.

Let the 4th of July live large this year. Let freedom ring for all Americans, not just conservative, or liberal, or religious or atheist…all people. That is what this nation is about. We individually do not agree with one another. But freedom and rights we ought to agree on.

So, marriage is both a state and a federal matter. If you live in a narrow-minded state, too bad. But at least our country got it right! 

Now, for abortion rights, live your life as far as you believe. But leave those who disagree with you live their lives accordingly. Abortion rights and the Right to Life are both able to live along side of each other. Have done so for decades.

Voting rights…for blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, whites…all should be able to vote equally throughout the entire nation. There ought not be special procedures in one state or county that makes it difficult if not impossible to vote. Those special election laws should be abolished forthwith. And Congress has the responsibility ~ the duty ~ to make sure this happens.

Meanwhile, the Congress dithers about deficits, defense strategy, social legislation outside their ken, and also dithers about a fair and just immigration regulatory environment. Shame on them. The real work of Congress continues to beckon but they ignore.

Shame on Mitch O’Connell. Shame on John Boehner. Perhaps they need re-education? Perhaps they need a clearer understanding of our Founding Fathers?

Time is nigh for such work to be done!

June 28, 2013

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