Saturday, June 8, 2013

Thought for the Day

I know there is much to do at this time of year – attend graduations, wedding showers, weddings, Mothers’ Day past, Fathers’ Day approaching and always the march of birthdays of family and friends throughout the year. This is spring so there is cleaning up the yard if you have one, re-landscaping, painting and fixing up the exterior of the house if you have one, washing and polishing the car, shopping – you name it and it’s on our weekend chore list.

Bur – I want you to sit down this weekend and read a book!  Finding the time will be hard but make the effort. If you don’t go to church and don’t work on Sundays, take an hour and begin reading a book you've meant to read all along. Get started!

Paul Sweeney gives us this quote I wish to make the ‘thought for the day”:

“You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.”

I've felt that over and over. Hope you have too. If you haven’t you are not reading the material that really captures your interest!  So search what suits you best. Visit the library and take out the book, or download a book to your electronic reader, or buy the book online or at a real bookstore. The latter is the best bet. The staff will help you find the right book, and the experience of feeling and smelling all the books is something not to miss!

Treat yourself right and read a book. Get in the habit of that. You’ll be glad you did!

June 8, 2013

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