Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Bits and Pieces

Another blog on reactions to bits and pieces of news items.

First, Hostage Widow Lashes Out at Obama Policy Toward Captives: Warren Weinstein was a 73 year old American development expert killed in a drone attack by American military forces. The drone attack was aimed at Al Qaeda leaders and American forces were unaware that two hostages were present at the bombing site. Weinstein’s widow is unhappy with Obama’s policy regarding captives. She even paid ransom for her husband to Al Qaeda. Mrs. Weinstein feels America should take better care of captives with a design to return them safely to their families.

Comment: Hostage policy in these matters is a foreign policy of long standing of every American President going back many generations. This is not Obama’s policy. It is American policy. It is well founded and successful in more cases than in failed attempts to rescue hostages. Paying ransom encourages future taking of hostages. Ransom does not guarantee safe return of hostages. Negotiating with lawless thugs usually yields no results. It is understandable that Mrs. Weinstein is grief stricken. However, this does not make her a policy expert in this arena.

Second, Pope Francis’ Stance on Climate Change: Seems the Pope thinks the planet needs to be better cared for by mankind. His science advisers are clearly educating him on mankind’s practices that harm air, water and soil. Each is needed to support healthy living conditions on the planet. Furthermore, atmospheric calamities are clearly detected as a result of man’s destructive use of the planet’s riches. Global warming is measurable both short and long term. The effects of global warming are also now measurable. The pope will urge Catholics worldwide to support legislation that will protect Mother Earth. And further protect the world's poor who pay the highest price when natural disasters strike.

Comment: I like this guy Pope Francis! He has his head screwed on right and exercises common sense. This makes him vastly different from most elected legislators including those throughout America!

Third, Arizona Lawmaker Rips Defense Secretary for Remarks on Sexual Assault: Retired Air Force colonel Martha McSally is now a republican congresswoman from Arizona. While on active military duty, McSally was the first woman to fly in combat. She reacted to Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s comments on placing women in ground combat situations would increase their vulnerability to sexual assault. McSally attacked Carter’s views as placing the blame of sexual assault on women in the military.

Comment: The congresswoman seems to be too quick on laying blame on the new Defense Secretary. And she used her military career as the unofficial expertise for making her views known. First, Secretary Carter made his off the cuff comments in response to a student’s question following a speech at Georgetown University. The student’s concern was about placing women in combat where they may also be assaulted sexually. Carter agreed that might happen but has faith that sexual assault will become less a problem over time as men and women in combat learn better how to conduct themselves. This statement did not place sexual assault on women. McSally prefers to think otherwise. Methinks McSally needs to moderate her conservative attack mode and learn better research techniques before attacking others in the public domain.

Fourth, What Guys Really Want in a Partner is Super Depressing: Sarah Jacoby of Refinery29 writes there is a double standard employed by guys when defining what they want in a wife/partner as opposed to what they expect in a daughter. For both wives and daughters, the men want them to be intelligent. However, beyond that trait, independence and strength were valued in a daughter much higher than for a wife. Being principled was viewed as being more important in a daughter than in a wife/partner. To bring the matter home, Jacoby reports survey results as follows: 66% of men wanted independence in their daughters while only 34% valued that trait in their partner. Although men are comfortable with women taking on more responsibility outside the home, fully 30% feel this trend has had negative effects on the confidence of American men. This is further supported with men being very uncomfortable in having a female President of the United States.

Comment: I can partially understand men wanting their daughters to be independent. Such a trait is most likely seen as a strength the daughter can use to protect herself in the world. Less independence for a wife may reflect the male’s assumption that he already can protect his spouse. The question begged, of course, is why are men so threatened by independent, strong women? We need those traits in all women to unlock their impressive potential throughout all of society.

That’s enough for one day!

All of these issues are interesting and should embrace public discussion. Public policy decisions, however, are not necessarily ripe to be made at this time. More discussion and research is needed before making long term policy.

Meanwhile it is our task – yours and mine – to remain informed.

Carry on!

April 29, 2015

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