Thursday, November 1, 2018

Bits and Pieces

Let’s see what’s at the top of the list:

·      In the midst of chaos he stirs, and with the media – both profession and social – reporting on same, the trumpster continues to blame the media for all of society’s ills. That would be wrong, but he knows it. It is his script. Just like his quips about ‘lock her up’, build the wall, and lower taxes, eliminate entitlements, and all the rest. None of the script is factually correct; but no matter; the supporters eat it up and keep the political forces moving toward some end the rest of us can only guess at. Yes, I feel certain he is the problem; and his supporters for giving him the freedom to range dangerously out of control. Not good for any of us or them.

·       Hillary hints at running in 2020. No; I don’t want her to be exposed to the hate, killers and violence prone nut jobs. Whatever reason exists, she polarized a lot of people and played right into trump’s hands. It is now her time to be wise, work tirelessly on her foundation serving global issues. That is the right work for her to do. And it will pay huge dividends for a peaceful world led by adults who care for the problems of all people. That’s what good people do. [Update: reports of her interest in running again in 2020 were falsely reported by others, not Hillary.]

·       Took a day off on Monday of this week. An early sunny morning, we headed west to farm country and a fresh breakfast. Took the dog; Willow was pleased but nervous; she shakes for an hour or so then realizes she is on a ride for fun and not a relocation in her foster care memories. Sweet dog who has given us much calm and pleasure. We visited one diners and sat among the residents. Life in those areas are calm and focused on living. Small towns and rural highways are oddly comforting to me.

·       Mass shootings: we are every man woman and child. We are all religions and ethnicities. We are immigrant and emigrant. We are all political ideologies. We are all political parties. We are we. All of us together. No separation. No differences. Just thoughts, feelings and dreams. We share those, too. They may clash but they are not life or death. Weak people striving to overcome their inner demons pick up an available gun. They plot to use it. Will it be wild game? A target range? Or people. We will not know until they do it. We have faith it will not touch our personal space. But then…
         We voted early. Got it done. Now the TV ads take up time and space, but not our minds. They are rubbish anyway. Best to rely on our own research. That’s what adults do. Soon this madness will be over when polls close and the winners are announced. Then we shall see what it all means.
      Until then, be pleasant to yourself and others. Help others prosper. And keep the peace. 

November 1, 2018

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