Tuesday, November 27, 2018

True Spirit of America

With each passing day it is clear that America is a land filled with good people living their own purposeful lives while all the time sharing with others to help less fortunate folks. America has a generous heart and gives year-round. It also expects its national government to do the same. Just because it is a good thing to do.

This spirit has been around for a long, long time. An example: following World War II America created the Marshall Plan to rebuild war-torn areas. It did so for many reasons. The world needed to get back to work; helping rebuild destroyed regions would help make the recovery self-sustaining through economic revitalization. In turn, this proved to be terrific foreign relations. Other nations jumped in to help as well.

America did this good work because it felt impelled to do so. But we also had the wherewithal to make it happen. This work built foundations for international relationships that have prospered and lasted many decades. Strong institutions sprang back. The United Nations expanded and matured mightily during this period. So did international banking, trade and cultural exchanges.

The world community came to expect American generosity. They were not disappointed. In education, research, deep scientific discovery and development, the global community learned the breadth and depth of America’s sinew.

In the last two years the American reputation long-earned, has suffered dents and bruises by the current White House administration. Increasingly, however, that damage is attached to the person of the current president, and not the American people.

Although America’s allies are questioning mr. trump and his aims and motivations, they are secure in the knowledge that the American people do not reflect the same values. They know us well. They don't know donald trump.

Breathe deeply the fresh air. Pause for a moment of silence and peace. Then resume your activities as in the past. The anomaly of trump will pass soon enough. If we hold up our end of this commitment, we will survive for the return of America’s reputation. Shading the trump persona and ignoring it, is a good first step toward normalcy.

The press should report the routine presidential exclamations but avoid detailed coverage. Instead they should report on continuing relations and progress that matter throughout the nation. That’s where the work is really done. That is where discovery and invention happen. That’s where our values reside. Not in the White House at this time. That is just a fact of history made clear.

So, business as usual people. We have much to be thankful for. And much work yet to be done.

Let’s get on with it!

November 27, 2018

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