Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Global and Liberal

These two terms in geopolitics today have dissimilar meanings but are related. Closely. The term ‘liberal society’ is defined as openly democratic, transparent. It is the America following World War II. The world community had been challenged by two foes – Germany and Japan. Worse, these foes embodied ideology of powerful central governments that held all sway over their people. They were the opposite of democracies. The latter are of, for and by the people, with clear roles played by all to maintain that democracy.

The war unsettled the global community. Hegemonies keep power to a few, an elite group, with usually a supreme leader. That certainly describes Adolf Hitler, and to a lesser degree the Emperor of Japan and his henchmen. Both nations embraced an all-powerful, authoritarian government in their name.  Not so, America. A large and capable nation of workers and industries, America came to the aid of the world to defend against the fascist and communist forces building in Axis nations.

World War II demonstrated a coming together of many nations to defend the entire world against a common enemy. Together they prevailed. Each of those nations were democracies in which citizens held elected office and joined hands to govern their nations. That demonstrates the meaning of the term ‘liberal’. Thereafter, those same nations banded together in common cause to battle against communism and authoritarianism. 

The Cold War resulted. Long decades of positioning and military posturing followed. In time the cost of maintaining the Cold War bankrupted the communists, at least those who participated in the struggle. China mainly rabbled on the sidelines without getting her hands too dirty. It was Russia and the USSR that led the opposition to NATO, Europe and America in the Cold War.

Today, the ‘liberal’ cause of democracy is still alive but faces a weakening resolve in the face of nationalism. Populism is more a descriptor than nationalism, I think. Within these allied nations are populations of folks who feel left behind. They feel the separation from their countrymen and grow angry to know why this is so.

The real cause of the separation is change. Change. Inevitable change within each of our lives. We each either cope with change, adapt to change, or anticipate and get ahead of change. Those who do lead challenging and rewarding lives. Those who don’t suffer stagnating incomes and lives. They need help to reach higher ground and build fresh lives of promise and purpose.

Shortcuts to improved lives do not serve well. These inevitably lead to distorted leadership hopes and political disaster. Cocooning within our own national borders and building distance from allies does not build a strong nation. Self-exile rarely leads to healthy results.

Democracy and an investment in both self and fellow citizens, is a healthy way forward to a stronger nation. Sharing ideas, resources and common cause with other nations makes them and us stronger as a result. The example is World War II.  

Global community is not a negative term. It is a hopeful gathering of nations that care about each other and gain from common effort and purpose. Peace results. Higher standards of living result. A stronger bloc of nations builds defense against common enemies. With the Cold War over, a Warm War has begun. China and Russia seek hegemony over the rest of the globe. They have benefitted from the Global Community but want more. They separate themselves from the rest of us. But only at their peril.

Far more beneficial would be their joining with the rest of the world community to live in peace and harmony. This is the Global Community. This is the Liberal World of democracy.

There are those among us who would have us understand these terms differently. They are wrong in the face of history and foreign affairs.

How do the rest of us deal with such ignorance among our own fellow citizens? The tempers run hot. The stakes are very real. How are we to turn down the heat long enough to reset common understanding of the real world?

This is not a problem that fits labels like republican and democrat. Rather, the labels are Liberal and Global. Please, only the classical meaning of the terms should be used.

November 21, 2018

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