Monday, November 12, 2018

Chaos Reigns

Elections may be over, but the chaos before and after continues unabated. That’s just how the donald wants it.

Toss out a major TV White House reporter just because; demonstrate you can; but wait for the consequences, donald.

Fire AG Sessions and replace him with a sycophant; hope to derail the Mueller Probe. Can’t do that. It will continue under Congressional authorization; and it is nearly done anyway. Mueller has a message for the white house staff. All but the actual words are known. The donald is worried. He should be.

The election was a plebiscite on the donald. He refuses to believe it. The results, however, will yield consequences he fears. They are already building.

The democrats do not have to press the donald. He does that by himself. But the congressional powers will spell trouble for the white house regardless of what side of the issue you reside. Mitch McConnell has no power to stop that. He is a hangman who’s time has come. He knows this.

So does Pelosi. A good and able person as Speaker, but the House needs new leadership that is inclusive, diverse and open to hearing both sides of an argument and making compromises to gain traction on solving problems we all face as a nation.

Meanwhile, young energetic newbies have entered the House, governor mansions and state houses the nation over. The tide is turning, has turned. Watch how this is done. One generation takes over from the two previous ones. There are elders to mentor them and teach them the ropes; but they will wield those ropes in their own fashion. This is change. Generational change. It is good change. And inevitable.

The agenda of a nation awaits new players who will make a difference. The old, white, male guard cringes with certain knowledge of this. Long overdue.

We need people with the diversity viewed in our mirrors. That is us, the new us, building and shifting over many recent years. Get out of the way or get trampled. The fresh excitement is strong enough to smell and feel.

November 12, 2018

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