Thursday, May 1, 2014

Finally May!

March is gone with all its cold, wind, snow, ice and chilly rain. Dark skies, short days. Daylight Savings Time returned and days became longer if artificially so. As warmer air was anticipated spirit rose to greet spring. Only it didn't come on time!

Thaw, more snow; rain and thaw, then more snow. Early flowers nudged to the surface but were beaten back by late cold weather. Then, surprise – more snow.

Finally a thunderstorm. Tree buds shed some seed skins, a tiny hint of green or red appeared on boughs high up. Then lawns became less brown, a hint of green. Finally the lawns greened up. And spring appear near.

April arrived and warmer temps, too. But dampened by long dark rains, heavy clouds and purely dank weather. April plodded along. Landscape continued to green and tree green is about to burst. But first we have to wait a little longer.

Today is May 1. More dark and rain. Tomorrow probably as well. But the first full weekend of May promises more warmth and a break from rain.

Maybe we will finally see an early promise of the coming summer!

Seasons come and go. There is a schedule you know. We even know what that schedule is for the most part but variations in winds aloft, wind speeds, velocity and vortex of jet streams will alter arrival of warmth and the proper amount of wet. That’s where seasons are birthed. Mother Nature is in control and will prevail.

Once the tilt of the Earth’s axis torques into place we will have more sunlight. And then the new season begins; and the old one ebbs.

With spring come new plant growth. With that growth comes pollen and allergens too numerous to count. Each of them is important to the regeneration of the earth’s cycles. Then, too, regeneration of allergies are signaled and many suffer.

With winter we greet with a chill and a shudder. With spring we say hello with a sneeze.

And a box of tissues! Say hello and smile anyway. This too shall pass into yet another welcomed season.

May 1, 2014

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