Wednesday, May 14, 2014


The community around us. Lots is happening. Lots more could be happening. Issue is how do we choose more, or different happenings? Why should we? And if we should how do we process this so it isn't happenstance or accidental? Shouldn't something this basic, this important be the product of something very intentional? Purposeful?

Our own life. Same thing can be said about what we do with changing our life into the future? What options do we have? Which options do we pursue? Which are intrinsically more valuable? Which more natural for me, and thus more likely to be successful for me and others who benefit from that same success?  Think doctor: if the highest effective development for a person is being a successful surgeon, then the surgeon benefits from being good at what he/she does, but the patients also benefit from having access to a talented, successful surgeon who knows how to do the job.

Our family and close friends. If we are changing our own lives by searching and implementing possibilities, doesn't this mean we are helping those close to us do the same? Or are we afraid to do this, to meddle in someone else’s life? Really? The families I’m connected with are every bit assertive of their opinions! Overly much so!  Are you kidding? Isn't this where the term ‘dysfunction’ has its roots in family affairs?

At any rate, assertive family communications can be damaging; not all of them should be. Helping loved ones see new possibilities is an important coaching role that trusted family members ought to fill. Perhaps the problem is the trust?

Each of these is a proving ground for change. Challenges to change. Recognition of the need to change. Broadening of perspectives that enrich lives. Or, if such challenges are not adopted, perhaps the proving grounds help us understand better why our lives are good, in fact, very good, just the way they are! That alone is a good thing. Change is not always required at any specific time.

It does pay to be prepared, however. Not a bad exercise to work with often.

Proving grounds. For change. Searching possibilities.

In public life where do these possibilities pop up? Perhaps t his is the crux of my posting today. You see, it seems to me that possibilities arise from the interchange of voices in all walks of life wherever they connect. On the sidewalk, at the corner store, in the café, or department store. In the parking lot or grocery store. Or even in the local newspaper.

People think and talk all the time. They share ideas. They volunteer their efforts on projects of interest. They get involved. They show they care in so many ways.

This spirit of sharing alone is a stir pot of possibilities. It is where we become aware of problems or new ideas for handling old issues. Possibilities are born in this environment. The voices exchanged help others see those same possibilities. If we are lucky something comes of this interchange. A new project forms, a few souls decide to do something about it. Not a huge project, you understand, but a small one, something they can have an effect on. In time who knows? The little project may mature into a project or program of substance. A tradition perhaps? Something the entire community can get behind and years later wonder how this wonderful ‘thing’ came to be in the first place?

That’s how traditions are created. Quietly. By only a few people. Interest grows. And something develops over time to be very important to our community way of life.

At the base of it all I think it comes from being open to possibilities. For self and others.

Are we conscious of this process in our lives? Do we wish it to be so?

May 12, 2014

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